Steve “Che” Fontaine on the making of Perfect Burger

Steve “Che” Fontaine takes the time to tell us about how he came to found & make Perfect Burger, Costa Rica. Steve has known Stephen for some years now from being involved in the foos service industry. I made his acquaintance for the first time during this conversation & he is someone I can & almost certainly will have many more conversations with.

Good people, good talk, good business, good food. I trust you will enjoy!

I Know Great People is a series of conversations intended bridge the gap between our knowledge of what people can do & the perception of what they may do. Join us as we use the benefits of the Information Age to reach the State of Understanding.

youtube : odysee : bitchuterumble

00:00:00- intro
00:01:10- name, topic & how we met?
01:11:46- what may people like about running a business like perfect burger costa rica?
01:13:14- what may people dislike about it?
01:21:153- which things may be the opposite of founding a movement like founding such a business?
01:27:18- what are some misconceptions the purpose of a food truck & restaurant?
01:54:54- what things help teach one about founding such a business?
02:13:57- do you like cheese? (most important question)
02:29:09- anything to add about perfect burger costa rica?
02:44:08- conclusion
02:48:46-last 3


Do you have any particular questions for Steve?

Do you have any suggestions for the format of this series?

How has your view of what it takes to start a restaurant changed?
A: I could not start one
B: Yes especially with extra challenge of a new country
C: I just know i want a Perfect Burger
D: has given me a greater respect for running one
E: ________

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