Edward Hoefer on ghostwriting & storytelling | I Know Great People

Edward joins Stephen & I to talk about storytelling in a professional capacity. As a creative I have been writing and trying to better communicate for decades so this was a topic I really wanted to know more about. There are questions about ghostwriting, differences between personal vs pubic writing and more.

We enjoy talking as is but in this case we did also get into telling each other stories and found the time passing by so decided to break this up into 2 parts.

I Know Great People is a series of conversations intended bridge the gap between our knowledge of what people can do & the perception of what they may do. Join us as we use the privilege of living in the Information Age to reach the Understanding Age.

youtube : odysee : bitchuterumble

00:00:00- intro
00:01:56- name, topic & how we met?
01:20:15- what are a 2-3 things people may like about storytelling, especially ghostwriting?


Do you have any particular questions for Edward?

Do you have any suggestions for the format of this series?

When was the last time you wrote a creative work of your own?
A: Reading and writing is in the past, audio only now
B: It’s been too long
C: I write regularly
D: I dont think i’m good at it but this conversation is inspiring me to try
E: ___________

links of the post

Steve “Che” Fontaine on the making of Perfect Burger

Steve “Che” Fontaine takes the time to tell us about how he came to found & make Perfect Burger, Costa Rica. Steve has known Stephen for some years now from being involved in the foos service industry. I made his acquaintance for the first time during this conversation & he is someone I can & almost certainly will have many more conversations with.

Good people, good talk, good business, good food. I trust you will enjoy!

I Know Great People is a series of conversations intended bridge the gap between our knowledge of what people can do & the perception of what they may do. Join us as we use the benefits of the Information Age to reach the State of Understanding.

youtube : odysee : bitchuterumble

00:00:00- intro
00:01:10- name, topic & how we met?
01:11:46- what may people like about running a business like perfect burger costa rica?
01:13:14- what may people dislike about it?
01:21:153- which things may be the opposite of founding a movement like founding such a business?
01:27:18- what are some misconceptions the purpose of a food truck & restaurant?
01:54:54- what things help teach one about founding such a business?
02:13:57- do you like cheese? (most important question)
02:29:09- anything to add about perfect burger costa rica?
02:44:08- conclusion
02:48:46-last 3


Do you have any particular questions for Steve?

Do you have any suggestions for the format of this series?

How has your view of what it takes to start a restaurant changed?
A: I could not start one
B: Yes especially with extra challenge of a new country
C: I just know i want a Perfect Burger
D: has given me a greater respect for running one
E: ________

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Laura Milnes on Natural Wines in Canada

Laura Milnes takes some time to share the deep knowledge she has from working in the Canadian Natural Wine Industry. As we make it through the regular questions she tells us about what wines she likes, how wines are made, if you can train your palette & much more. And there is of course there is the all important cheese question.

I Know Great People is a series of conversations intended bridge the gap between our knowledge of what people can do & the perception of what they may do. Join us as we use the benefits of the Information Age to reach the State of Understanding.

youtube : odysee : bitchuterumble

00:00:00- intro
00:02:25- name, topic & how we met?
00:23:33- what may people like about working with wine?
00:41:51- what may people dislike about working with wine?
01:24:55- which things may be the opposite of working in the wine industry?
01:37:32- what are some misconceptions about working with wine?
01:45:24- what things help teach one about the work you do with wine?
01:54:56- do you like cheese? (most important question)
02:08:45- anything to add about your time in the wine industry?
02:16:48- questions for us?
02:18:45- any questions for audience or future participants?
02:19:19- would you like to take a question?


Do you have any particular questions for Laura?

Do you have any suggestions for the format of this series?

How has your view of natural wines or or other wine related thingschanged?
A: Yes, very informative!
B: No, I knew all this you neophites
C: Shall try & check more about what Laura publshes!
D: Some things & shall now research for more

links of the post

Deputy DIrector : Philanthropy

I posted an Instagram #TBT picture of a Lego party form years back that I attended along with the friend in this post. After tagging and eventual face-stalking, I saw her Job title and thought she may be able to advise me on some project(s) I have been planning. We reconnected, discussed and have set a future meeting.

As I had recently written the outline for the questions in this series, I decided to finalize them and send it to her as the first entry. She gracefully accepted and so without further ado, here we go…

What is your name, location and/or occupation that will be the subject of this questionnaire?

Lyz Crane, Deputy Director, ArtPlace America, NYC – philanthropy (grantmaking in arts and community development).

List 2-3 things someone would like about this job.

  •  I get to spend all day thinking about the best way to deploy money to promote the greatest good.
  •  I work frequently with a lot of very creative thinkers and artists to solve problems.
  • I get to travel a lot.

List 2-3 things someone may dislike about this job.

  • There are a lot of complicated decisions and unfortunately, many times when decide that someone will receive funding you are also having to say no to someone else.
  • You have to (or at least should) always be conscious in your actions and relationships of the power dynamics in the nonprofit sector around how money flows and who makes those decisions.
  • Being mission-driven often comes at the expense of being able to put down your work at the end of the day. I work many more hours than a standard 9-5.

Are they any jobs you think may essentially be the opposite of what you do?

Some folks might think that grantseeking is the opposite of grantmaking. I see both as critical parts of an ecosystem for social change. Some other folks might see large corporations as the opposite as they tend to rely on a money-in rather than a money-out motive. However, I think grantmakers need to be just as conscious of market dynamics and the notion of value – it is just not measured in dollars in the same way a business might.

What are some misconceptions that people may have of your job?

When folks imagine working at a foundation, they often imagine being able to just deploy funds whenever and to whomever they like.  However, most foundations have built very structured processes, boundaries, and theories of change and Program Officers are often highly bound by the whims of the board, the strategic planning of their President, and the goals of their program.

Are there any courses, classes or other forms of learning that have helped you the most in this occupation? Are there any you didn’t take that you suggest someone should?

I took two classes in grad school on Program Evaluation and Evaluating Impact that really forced me to think critically about how change happens in the world – what can you do over here that will change the way something functions over there? And how can you measure whether or not you’ve actually had an effect?  I also think that Public Economics was critical to understanding how, when, and why philanthropic models should be deployed to correct for market failures and systemic inequity.

Do you like cheese? If yes, which one(s) and why? If no, why are you such a horrible person? (unless you are lactose intolerant or have been somehow cheese deprived into adulthood in which case Digi-hugs for you)

I have a truly delightfully unhealthy relationship with cheese. I will eat all the cheese all the time. ALL OF IT.

Anything else you would like to add about yourself, salary, benefits or anything?

The most satisfying and exciting part of my job is that even though my organization is small (8 people), I work in a very tight-knit field of folks who care about a particular topic. So as I travel around to different places and work on different programs, I get to interact with some of the smartest, most talented, most passionate people I’ve ever met.  And even when it starts feeling like there’s too much work to do and not enough time, those people make it worth it and form an amazing support network.  But the trick with all of that is that you have to bring your whole self into it.  A lot of people don’t want to do that – they want to separate life from work. I think that’s totally fine and has some benefits. But for me, it’s all or nothing.

Thank you Lyz for agreeing to be the first in this series. I look forward to our fondue date. All nourishment shall be ensconced in cheese and consumed. 😯


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