Edward Hoefer on ghostwriting & storytelling | I Know Great People

Edward joins Stephen & I to talk about storytelling in a professional capacity. As a creative I have been writing and trying to better communicate for decades so this was a topic I really wanted to know more about. There are questions about ghostwriting, differences between personal vs pubic writing and more.

We enjoy talking as is but in this case we did also get into telling each other stories and found the time passing by so decided to break this up into 2 parts.

I Know Great People is a series of conversations intended bridge the gap between our knowledge of what people can do & the perception of what they may do. Join us as we use the privilege of living in the Information Age to reach the Understanding Age.

youtube : odysee : bitchuterumble

00:00:00- intro
00:01:56- name, topic & how we met?
01:20:15- what are a 2-3 things people may like about storytelling, especially ghostwriting?


Do you have any particular questions for Edward?

Do you have any suggestions for the format of this series?

When was the last time you wrote a creative work of your own?
A: Reading and writing is in the past, audio only now
B: It’s been too long
C: I write regularly
D: I dont think i’m good at it but this conversation is inspiring me to try
E: ___________

links of the post

Jaclynn Joyce on Studying & Teaching in Taiwan

Jaclynn Joyce takes the time to tell us about her experience of studying, teaching & living in Taipei, Taiwan. Topics include what led to going to Taiwan, challenges overcome once there, unexpected benefits & the most important question of if she likes cheese!

I Know Great People is a series of conversations intended bridge the gap between our knowledge of what people can do & the perception of what they may do. Join us as we use the benefits of the Information Age to reach the State of Understanding.

youtube : odysee : bitchute : rumble

00:00:00- intro
00:01:18- name, topic & how we met?
00:29:10- what may people like about the topic?
00:41:16- what may people dislike about the topic?
00:50:43- which things may be the opposite of the topic?
00:56:20- what are some misconceptions about the topic?
01:10:53- what things help teach one about the topic
01:16:51- do you like cheese? (most important question)
01:23:10- anything to add about the topic?
01:38:34- questions for us?
01:55:44- any questions for audience or future participants?
01:51:53- would you like to take a question?


Do you have any particular questions for Jaclynn?

Do you have any suggestions for the format of this series?

How has your view of teaching & studying in Taiwan changed?
A: Having done it myself it matches my experience
B: I learned a lot & appreciate it more
C: Not something I think I would do
D: Sounds like something I may have enjoyed

links of the post